One of the reasons why WordPress is one of the most popular CMS by choice among Filipino WordPress developers is its vast array of SEO plugins. Moreover, these software components are readily available for anyone to use for their website’s greater advantage. As such, this article lets us focus on the many features and functionalities of the SEO Ultimate plugin for WordPress.

The SEO Ultimate Plugin For WordPress Websites Web Developers

What is the SEO Ultimate Plugin?

SEO Ultimate is a fusion of different functionalities of various WordPress plugins—thus, explaining its moniker. As such, it offers multiple modules and hundreds of powerful features you can use. In time, you can start benefiting from real profits. So, with just a few clicks and configurations, SEO Ultimate can help you implement the best SEO practices and customize every aspect of your web pages to give off a strong ranking signal for search engines.

Moreover, the SEO Ultimate plugin enables you to focus on your on-page optimization factors—one of the essential SEO ranking factors that you cannot afford to miss. These on-page factors must work in tandem with your off-page factors, including link building, SMO, PPC, and other online promotion strategies. Therefore, with on-page and off-page factors working hand-in-hand, you can create a dynamic and consistent progression in your web page rankings, traffic, leads, and sales.

WordPress developers created the SEO Ultimate plugin to transform a basic WordPress website into a robust content management ranking machine. Now, we are not just talking about affecting the website as a whole here. Instead, we are talking about causing an impact to every page within that website. So, remember that search engine rankings are by every web page. Thus, the more pages you can feed on search engines, the more they will put you on top of their respective search engine results pages (SERPs).

The SEO Ultimate plugin focuses on the following elements, which corresponds to ranking higher on SERPs. As such, these elements include the following:

  • Highly relevant keywords for each web page
  • Page titles and H1 tags
  • Relevant Meta Data
  • Internal link structure
  • Inbound links pointing to relevant and quality pages

Powerful Features of the SEO Ultimate Plugin

SEO Ultimate is a powerful all-in-one SEO plugin for WordPress websites, reaching almost two million downloads. Thus, through the plugin’s user-friendly settings and modules, you can take control of your on-page SEO to optimize your web pages using the following features:

1. Title Tag Rewriter

    • Improves keyword SEO by allowing you to post titles before the <title> tag
    • Overrides the <title> tag contents for posts, pages, attachments, categories, post tags, and post format archives on your site
    • Supports custom post types and taxonomies
    • Helps you customize the <title> tag of your home page
    • Provides two rewrite methods: output buffering or filtering

2. Meta Description Editor

    • Edits the <meta> description tags for posts, pages, attachments, categories, tags, post format archives, and the homepage
    • Increases CTR through search engine results snippets
    • Allows mass editing to add descriptions to old posts
    • Auto-generates meta descriptions using the {excerpt::autogen} variable

3. Open Graph Integrator

        • Autogenerates Open Graph data for the homepage, pages, posts, attachments, custom post type objects, and user profile pages
        • Customizes the Open Graph title, image, and content type for every single post, page, attachment, and custom post type object on your site
        • Specifies Open Graph data for multiple posts and pages at a time

4. Rich Snippet Creator

    • Adds rich snippet code for reviews and places
    • Provides supplementary SERP data to drive search traffic
    • Supports the new format used by leading search engines

5. Author Highlighter

    • Displays Google+ profile picture of post author in Google search results
    • Supports single-author and multi-author sites
    • Supports author highlighting for posts, pages, attachments, custom post types, the homepage, archive pages, and author pages

6. Link Mask Generator

    • Provides robots.txt-blocked “link masks” that pass through to an external URL
    • Allows you to control posts’ linkflow through mask links on a per-link, per-post basis
    • Produces global link masks you can use across your entire website
    • Allows you to change /go/ to the directory of your choice
    • Provides a modern substitute for the PageRank Sculpting technique

7. Canonicalizer

    • Directs search engines to desired content access points with <link rel=”canonical” /> head tags and/or Link: <url>; rel=”canonical” HTTP headers
    • Supports category/tag/date/author archives to improve canonical tag functionality
    • Redirect requests for non-existent pagination through a checkbox

8. 404 Monitor

    • Improves visitor experience by tracking “page not found” errors
    • Determines URL that refers visitors to 404 error pages
    • Logs in only 404 errors with referring URLs or those generated by search engine spiders
    • Allows you to ignore generated 404 errors from specific URLs

9. Permalink Tweaker

    • Enables the removal of permalink base for categories, tags, and custom taxonomies
    • Decides between pages or terms when taxonomy base removal causes URL conflict

10. Meta Robot Tags Editor

    • Places the <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,follow” /> tag to archives, comment feeds, the login page, etc.
    • Sets meta robots tags for each blog post, page, category, tag, and post type
    • Supports custom post types and custom taxonomies
    • Prevents duplicate content SEO issues with noindex settings
    • Instructs search engine spiders (noodp, noydir, and noarchive)

11. SEO Ultimate Widgets

    • Outputs in a widget your Deeplink Juggernaut Footer Links
    • Constructs siloed site navigation through the Siloed Categories widget

12. Plugin Settings Manager

    • Exports your plugin settings to a file for easy re-import when needed later
    • Imports or exports plugin settings between WordPress sites
    • Resets factory default settings in case something happens

Additionally, the SEO Ultimate plugin for WordPress includes the following features: Code Inserter, File Editor, Linkbox Inserter, Meta Keywords Editor, More Link Customizer, Nofollow Manager, Settings Monitor, Sharing Facilitator, Slug Optimizer, and Webmaster Verification Assistant.

For more features and functionalities, you can try out SEO Ultimate PRO.


SEO Ultimate Pro
SEO Ultimate Pro

Note: Unfortunately, the SEO Ultimate (FREE) plugin has not been tested with three of the latest major releases of WordPress. Therefore, it may have compatibility issues when used with more recent WordPress versions.

The SEO Ultimate Plugin For WordPress Websites Web Design

Discover the SEO Ultimate Plugin for WordPress!

All in all, the SEO Ultimate plugin still has many remarkable features that WordPress developers would urge you to discover. Thus, based on the features and functions we have discussed and listed above, you can see how SEO Ultimate is a potent contender as a must-have SEO plugin for WordPress websites. After all, it is an all-in-one WordPress SEO plugin!

So, if you need help integrating the SEO Ultimate plugin into your website, you can get help from a WordPress developer in the Philippines. Let our web developers know what they can do!